Accommodation Certification
Bioscore Sustainability Standard for Tourist Accommodations
The Bioscore Sustainability Certification for tourist accommodations is a key tool for promoting responsible management in the tourism sector. Based on ESG principles, this certification helps establishments reduce their environmental impact, improve their efficiency and promote responsible social practices.
Based on international standards such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC)as well as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) this process allows accommodations to be evaluated at four levels: Seal C (50-60%), Seal B (60-70%), Seal A (70-80%) y Seal A+ (>80%).
Bioscore is known for its positive approach, identifying good practices and helping establishments to advance in sustainability. By obtaining the certification, recognized by platforms such as, Google Travel or the accommodations reinforce their environmental commitment, optimise resources and minimise their impact, improve their visibility in the global tourism market and strengthen their commitment to the environment, generating a triple positive impact.
Our certification offers all the necessary guarantees by including the evaluation of documented evidence and a third-party audit.
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Certified Clients

How to Interpret Bioscore Sustainability Certification

A+ SEAL – Places the sustainability level of the establishment at >80 % compliance with the standard.

SELLO A – Places the sustainability level of the establishment between 70-80% compliance with the standard.

SEAL B – Places the level of sustainability of the establishment between 60-70% of compliance with the standard.

SEAL C – Places the level of sustainability of the establishment between 50-60% compliance with the standard.
Are you interested in obtaining more information about certification for Tourist Accommodations? Let’s talk!
Bioscore Sustainability Standard for Rural Accommodations

At the end of 2022, we started our project to promote sustainable management in rural accommodation.
Bioscore Sustainability Certification for Rural Accommodation is based on ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) criteria. This comprehensive standard covers six key areas: Emissions, Energy, Water, Waste, Food & Beverage (F&B) and Social Responsibility and Good Governance.
By passing a third-party audit, rural accommodations not only reduce their environmental impact but also qualify for the Sustainability Certification on which offers greater credibility and visibility in the sustainable tourism market.
Meet our
Certified clients

Are you interested in obtaining more information about certification for Rural Accommodations? Let’s talk!
Bioscore Sustainability Standard for Camping Sites
The Bioscore Sustainability Certification for Camping Sites is designed to promote more responsible practices. This standard, based on ESG criteria, contemplates six essential areas that cover all key aspects of sustainability: Emissions, Energy, Water, Waste, Food & Beverage (F&B), Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Good Governance.
This standard is designed to help camping sites reduce their environmental impact, promote responsible practices and strengthen their commitment to sustainability, thereby enhancing their reputation and competitiveness, and attracting a growing demand from travelers seeking greener and more responsible experiences.

Are you interested in obtaining more information about certification for Rural Accommodations? Let’s talk!
Valuation Page

On our Platform, we show you a link to your Valuation page that gives you a clear and personalised view of your sustainability progress, with detailed percentages in key areas such as Emissions, Energy, Water, Waste, Food & Beverage (F&B), Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Good Governance.
As well as showing your performance, you’ll also get an assessment by Environmental, Social and Governance certifications, ensuring you get a complete picture of your impact. Furthermore, the page also allows you to see your contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), so you can easily measure how your accommodation is contributing to meeting these global goals, making you stand out as a benchmark in responsible tourism.
Cómo renovar su certificación
Parte cliente
Es importante que verifique la información que ya tenemos sobre su propiedad para que tengamos la información de contacto correcta.
También es importante que su perfil de alojamiento sea correcto con cosas como el ID Booking, número de habitaciones, piscinas, etc., porque su auditor usará esta información para presentar el informe de renovación
Deberá tener una suscripción vigente antes de la auditoría. Puede verificar la fecha de vencimiento en el perfil Bioscore de su propiedad.
Bioscore le enviará automáticamente una factura de renovación aproximadamente 4 semanas antes de la fecha de vencimiento y puede enviarnos un correo electrónico si tiene alguna pregunta.
Le recomendamos que realice su auditoría al menos 30 días antes de la fecha de vencimiento de su certificación para que su certificación no caduque.
Normalmente le recordaremos aproximadamente 3 meses antes de que expire su certificación y puede solicitar una auditoría en cualquier momento utilizando el Formulario de Certificación de auditoría en línea.
Renovar la certificación Bioscore es un proceso sencillo. Se encontrara el Formulario de Certificación con los datos e información que contesto el año anterior.
Lo que tiene que hacer es actualizar solo los datos que hayan cambiado y aportar las evidencias necesarias.. Puede hacerlo con en línea con ayuda de uno de nuestros consultores.
Recuerde hacer clic en "finalizar"
Cómo renovar su certificación
Parte Bioscore
Una vez ha finalizado el Formulario de Certificación, nuestro equipo de auditoría interna comienza su trabajo de evaluación y revisión de evidencias.
Este proceso puede tardar 72 horas, en función del número de hoteles de su organización.
Una vez terminado el proceso de auditoría interna, enviamos su expediente a la certificadora de tercera parte para su correspondiente auditoría. se proceso puede demorarse en función del número de hoteles entre 3 y 8 días más.
Recibirá un correo electrónico de nuestra parte confirmando que está certificado por Bioscore. El correo electrónico contendrá información sobre su logotipo y certificado y también puede encontrar su Informe Final de Auditoría.
Bioscore se asegurará de se le incluya en nuestros informes a operadores turísticos y OTAs dentro de los 21 días posteriores a la fecha de su certificación.
También podrá acceder a nuestro kit de herramientas de marketing.
Su certificación caducará 12 después de la fecha de su certificado, momento en el que deberá repetir estos pasos para volver a certificarse.